Squeezing Out Every Last Mile

Felt the financial squeeze? Think we all have felt a little juiced of late. Everyone these days is looking to be a little more conservative. With that in mind, most folks are wondering just how long they can continue to drive their existing vehicle. When is the right...

Fixed Up for Football

How many of us plan on venturing out during football season? I think most plan a trip of some sort whether it be to a large stadium or simply across town to a friend’s house. When making out your gameplan, it all starts with transportation. Since tailgating is...

Health Care Industry Reform and Smyrna Auto Repair?

Today one of the hot topics sweeping the nation is health care reform. Wait a minute…this is a car repair website. What’s the connection? Being that we are Dr. Automotive, we feel as though we are a sector of the health care industry. (Don’t think...